Thursday, July 07, 2005

Star Trek Badge

Worsted weight yarn (I used RH), grey, and cornmeal. (If you can find some gold, and silver yarn, by all means use it! My son wanted a Star Trek badge and so I just tried to come up with the closest colors I had on hand...)
H hook
scissors, etc....

Ch 2, sc in 2nd ch from hook. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 2: 2 sc in sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 3: 2 sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn. (4 sc)
Rw 4: 2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc. 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. (6 sc)
Rw 5-8: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 9: Sc in 3 sc. Ch 1, turn, leaving last 3 sc unworked.
Rw 10: Sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 11: Sc in 1st sc. Sc last 2 sc tog. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 12-13: Sc in 2 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 14: Sc 2 tog. Fasten off.
Attach yarn to 1st sc on other side.
Sc in 2 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 2-3: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn. (2 sc)
Rw 4: Sc 2 tog. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 5-6: Sc in sc. Fasten off. Crochet evenly around edges. I used one crochet in each "point", and sl st'd in the "V" (for Vulcan) ha ha Now on to the oval peice...

With Cornmeal (or gold), Ch 9. Sc in 2nd ch from hook, and each ch across. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 2-4: 2 sc in 1st sc. Sc across to last sc, 2 sc in last sc. Ch 1, turn. (10sc)
Rw 5-6: Sc across. Ch 1, turn.
Rw 7: Sc 1st 2 sc tog, sc across to last 2 sc, sc last 2 sc tog. Ch 1, turn. (12 sc)
Rw 8-9: Repeat row 7 (10 sc), and (8 sc). At end of row 9, do not fasten off. Sc evenly all around edges. Sl st to 1st sc. Now fasten off.

Sew triangle part over oval part. Glue a pin to the back, or a magnet, use your imagination. Hang it from the rear view window in your car if you like :) Live Long and Prosper!


  1. Thank you Tina! I LOVE IT!

    I think this would make a great christmas ornament for my trekkie friends and family! :)


  2. You are so welcome, Ro! I'm glad you like (LOVE) it. :) I hope to get more "fun" patterns up here, soon.


  3. Wow!! how cool is that!

    Excellent job.

    ~wyn ^_^

  4. I love it! I was thinking of starting a knitters group on trekspace, I would love to use this as the group badge if that's OK with you.

  5. My younger brother is 20, and severely autistic and he has LOVED Star trek since he was very small. I made this for him and he has not taken it off since I gave it to him. Thank you for creating such a magnificent pattern. My family and I thank you very much!

  6. That is so cool :)

  7. this is cool .. I know few people that would wear these.
