Friday, September 12, 2008

Pumpkin Toilet Paper Cover

Every fall, I like to get a pumpkin and bake something with it. I like to crochet pumpkins, too. Well (long story short) I got an idea to make a pumpkin TP cover. This isn't the greatest picture, (phone pic) I don't have batteries for my camera. But, you can get an idea what it looks like, anyway. ;) Also, this hasn't been tested~ so if you find any mistakes please let me know! Thanks!

Side Note: This was made to fit over a 'double' roll of toilet paper, just 'FYI' ;)

G hook
WW yarn (I used Red Heart) probably a 3 oz. skein would be plenty for the orange and just a little bit for the green

Ch 21, hdc in 3rd ch from hook, and in each ch across. (19 hdc) Turn
Note: Work all hdcs in BLO (back loop only)
Rows 2-36: Ch 2, hdc in each st across. (19 hdc) (Ch 2 does not count as a hdc) Turn .
At end of row 36, do not fasten off. Sl st two sides together. (Still do not fasten off.) Ch 1. Sc 48 sc evenly around the edge of the top.
Round 2 (Work in BLO for this round): Ch 1,*Sc first 2 tog, sc in next sc. Rep from * around.(32 sc) Join.
Round 3: Ch 1, *Sc first 2 tog, sc in next 2 sc. Rep from *, join. (24 sc)
Round 4: Ch 1, *Sc first 2 tog, sc in next 3 sc. Rep from *, ending w/ sc in last 2 sc, join. Fasten off orange. (19 sc)
Round 5: Join green w/ sl st in first stitch. Ch 1, *Sc first 2 tog, sc in next 4 sc. Rep from * around, ending w/ one sc in last sc. (16 sc) Join.
Round 6: Rep round 2, ending w/ sc in last sc. Join (11 sc)
Note: You might want to start marking the beginning of the row at this point.
Round 7: Ch 1, Sc 2 tog around w/ sc in last sc. (6 sc) Join.
Rounds 8-11 (Stem): Ch 1, Sc in each sc around. Join.
Round 12: Ch 1. Sc 2 tog around. (3 sc). Fasten off leaving a length to weave through last 3 stitches to pull tight. Pull loose end into stem and weave in.

Leaf (Make two or three-- Optional): W/ green, ch 10. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch. Hdc in next 2 ch. Dc in next 2 ch. Tr in next 2 ch. 6 tr in last ch. Continueing on opposite side in remaining loops, tr in next 2 ch. Dc in next 2 ch. Hdc in next 2 ch. Sc in last 3 ch. Join w/ sl st to first sc. Fasten off, leaving a length on at least one leaf to sew leaves on to pumpkin. Weave in loose ends.

This is my own design. You may not sell this pattern. Feel free to make for gifts, or to sell at bazaars/fund raisers, but do not sell the pattern. Have Fun! :)


  1. Very cute, Tina!

    How's your mom doing? I hope she came through it okay yesterday. My nephew had the same thing recently and he overdid it and 2 days afterwards he was in the emergency room. She needs to take it really slow for a few days.

  2. Hi Jodi!! Guess what? She cancelled it, she talked to some other *doctors* (A chiropractor? and a homeopathic doctor) and they talked her out of the surgery (which wasn't hard to do, with her not wanting to have the surgery anyway...) sigh... She still is in pain, though. I don't know what she is going to do. Thanks so much for thinking of us! :)

  3. I do know that my nephew is feeling better since he had his out. He was in surgery at 10:00am and home by 3:00pm the same day! His mistake was he and his wife driving here the next day. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive from where they were living. If he'd have waited a couple of days, he might have been ok.

    I hope she gets feeling better soon.

  4. I hope your nephew is better soon, too. (I meant to say that in my last post.) I think everyone tries to do too much, too fast after having surgery. (I know I did, w/ all of my C-sections.)

  5. Thanks, Tina. He actually had it done this summer and is back to full speed now. He's the son of my brother who has the brain tumor. He's doing better right now too. Just hoping the treatments are killing 'Thelma'! (yes, he named his tumor)

    I had a C-section with my 2nd one and it was not fun. Of course, that was after I'd done labor for about 13 hours! Oh, the memories! haha

  6. Awesome! Someone just gave me a whole bunch of orange yarn. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. But this will be perfect! I love your patterns!

  7. I was searching the web for knitting patterns and your blog came up. This is a really cute pattern. I just started knitting and have no idea what all the abbreviations stand for. I really would like to make this for my mother for the upcoming fall, would it be possible for you to tell me what the abbreviations mean?
    Thanks! Again, this is a wonderfully cute idea!

  8. Hi Swirly. This is not a knitting pattern, it's crochet. I'm not sure how long ago you posted your comment. But you can find crochet abbreviations at crochet pattern central here:
